The Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization (OahuMPO) is pleased to announce that House Representative Darius K. Kila has been elected to serve a two-year term as Chair of the Policy Board, and Val Okimoto has been elected to serve a two-year term as Vice Chair of the Policy Board.
OahuMPO Executive Director Mark Garrity says, “I would like to congratulate Representative Kila on his election to Policy Board Chair and look forward to working with him as we continue to develop a transportation system on Oahu that is safe, reliable, and affordable for everyone.”
Elections also took place for the OahuMPO Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The CAC met on Wednesday, January 3, where Kathleen Rooney of Ulupono Initiative was re-elected to serve as Chair and Adriel Lam, representing Neighborhood Board #30 Kaneohe was re-elected to serve as Vice Chair.
The TAC met on Friday, January 12, where Ian Crittenden of the Department of Transportation Services (DTS) was elected to serve as Chair and Masatomo Murata of the Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) was re-elected to serve as Vice Chair.
Meeting notices for the Policy Board, CAC, and TAC are posted on the OahuMPO Calendar as well as on the State of Hawaii Public Meetings & Events Calendar.